
Showing posts from May, 2023

My experiences with general cellular and neural cellular pathology in a case based blended learning ecosystem's CBBLE

Warm greetings! I'm Ankit pachipulusu , a passionate medical student from India. Welcome to my blog, where I share captivating real-life cases that have not only deepened my understanding of history taking and clinical examination but also enhanced my patient interaction skills and overall patient care approach. These cases have been invaluable in shaping my medical journey, and I'm excited to share them with you. The experiences of a medical student during college are heavily shaped by their inquisitiveness and often times teacher and peer pressure, as we pass through the treacherous waters of medical education in our rickety boats we come learn that doctors have many more obstacles in the form of beuracracy , testing targets etc. Apart from diagnosing and treating patients , All of these experiences have crafted a curiosty in me to explore the wider healthcare delivery system and various forms it is available in the world ranging from universal healthcare in the EU  to privat


C/o generalized weakness of lower limbs since 3 months  Pt was apparently asymptomatic till 3 months back then he had a h/o slip and fall following which he used to walk with support.1 week ago he had h/o fall again following which he is unable to walk since then  No h/o giddiness,LOC, head injury No history of involuntary movements Tingling sensation present in bilateral toes of lower limbs PAST HISTORY  K/c/o HTN since 20 years on tab ramilpril K/c/o DM since 20 years on tab glimi M1 po/of N/k/c/o CVA CAD TB EPILEPSY PERSONAL HISTORY  diet: mixed appettite:normal bowel and bladder: regular sleep: adequate no addictions GENERAL EXAMINATION  patient is conscious,coherent, cooperative  well oriented to time, place,person moderatly built and nourished vitals- temperature-afebrile pr-66bpm bp-120/80 mmhg rr-18cpm SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION  CVS -s1s2 heard,no murmurs RS-bae+,nvbs heard P/A-soft,non tender,no organomegaly CNS  On examination  Spin

65yr old female with APD and Ckd stage 3B

65yr old female ,home maker ,residence of Nalgonda came with c/o abdominal distension and bloating since 4 days HOPI: she was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago then she developed fever ,insidious in onset,low grade ,intermittent type ,not associated with chills and Rigors ,no aggravating factors,relieving on medication,associated with body pains. No h/o burning micturition,headache,cold and cough  C/o vomitings in these 10 days ,5-6 episode(presently had 1 episode ,with food particles as content ,non projectile ,non bilious ,non blood stained  C/o burning sensation in oral cavity since 10days(becoz of which she is unable to eat) ,no h/o dysphagia,loss of appetite and weight loss  No h/o pain abdomen ,constipation or loose stools  No h/o sob,chest pain ,pedal edema and palpitations and decreased urine output  Now since 4 days c/o abdominal distension with bloating and belching  Associated with regurgitation of food ,aggravating on lying down after taking food and no relieving factors 


A 77year old male came to the opd with chief complaints of pricking sensations all over the body since 1 year.  COURSE OF EVENTS : Patient is a farmer by occupation. He is uneducated and started working in the farms since his teenage. At the age of 25 years he got married(consanguineous marriage).After 2 years he lost his father due to? Seizure like activity.  After 2-3 months suddenly he experienced unknown fear, palpitations, chest heaviness, tingling sensations. He experienced tingling sensations initially over the head later extending on to the face, trunk and his limbs. He reports that he ran away 2-3 times from his home and he was found and brought back by his mother . When enquired why he ran away from his home he said that due to unknown fear, anxiety and palpitations he didn't like to stay back at home.( He reported that he didn't have any problem with his mother and she took good care of him).  He was not able to cope up from the death of his father. So his mother too


This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.. This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. Fever & chills since 3 days, (intermittent) relieved after taking medication c/o palpitations since 2-3 days   Difficulty in breathing since 6 days. Heaviness in chest since 6 days B/L pedal edema on and off(pitting type) since 6 months Burning micturition (+) HOPI  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back then she had c/o palpitations followed by she had c/o shortness of breath on exertion later progessed to Grade 4 for which she got admitted in our hospital and was diagnosed to h