
Showing posts from March, 2023

1801006008-SHORT CASE

A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL WITH PAIN IN THE LOWER LIMBS  AND  LOWER BACK PAIN SINCE 3 DAYS HOPI She is second born child of parents married of 3rd degree consanguinity in 2009. All trimesters were uneventful. She was delivered through Caeserean section because of delayed labour pain with birth weight of 3kg. 2012 She was asymmtomatic upto age of 3 years, then she developed high grade fever with cough and vomittings. She was diagnosed with Sickle cell anaemia. Sickling test positive and Electrophoresis showed HbS. Blood transfusion were given 1packet. 2013 She developed high grade fever, dry cough and cold. She was diagnosed with Bronchopneumonia. X-ray lower lobe consolidation. 2015 She had recurrent episodes of fever, cough , cold i.e Recurrent Bronchopneumonia- 6 episodes in 3years. Urine culture showed Klebsiella growth. Blood transfusion till date 4 times. 2016 She developed fever, pain abdomen , myalgia and arthralgia. She improved on medications and thus was disch